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Join us in bringing the joy of Purim to our chayalim (soldiers)
Le' Dor V'dor, The tradition continues from generation to generation.
Purim 2023
Young Israel invites you to fulfill the mitzvot of Purim, the joy of Purim, and mishloach manot. By adopting a unit in the Israeli Navy in Haifa, or when sending an individual Purim basket to our soldiers, WE are making a difference!
We are committed to instilling the mitzvot in our community; children in our schools will dedicate a card to the chayalim that will be delivered with a mishloach manot.
During Yom Ha’Atzmaut week- Israel 75 you will receive a video as a token of gratitude for bringing a smile to the young soldiers that protect Israel, our Homeland, and the Jewish community around the world
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