Purim 2025
Memphis Jewish Community Center and Bornblum Jewish Community School invites you to fulfill the mitzvot of Purim, the joy of Purim, and Mishloach Manot. By adopting a unit in the Israeli Navy in Haifa, or when sending an individual Purim basket to our soldiers, WE are making a difference!
We will be delivering our baskets to the units of our Lone Soldiers:
Zackary Woronoff
Benjamin Siegel
We are committed to instilling the mitzvot in our community; children in our schools will dedicate a card to the chayalim that will be delivered with a Mishloach Manot.
During Yom Ha’Atzmaut week- Israel 77 you will receive a video as a token of gratitude for bringing a smile to the young soldiers who protect Israel, our Homeland,  and the Jewish community around the world